EU climate targets

The ambition to meet the EU climate targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 55% by 2030 and become fully carbon neutral by 2050 is high and requires a major commitment. These ambitions are currently translated into binding legislation which will affect us all.

The challenges are numerous and it is undeniable that the share of renewable energy will have to increase at a faster pace. The European Commission’s Fit-for-55 package proposes to raise the EU’s renewable energy targets from 32% to 40% by 2030. This means the EU will need 451 GW of wind power capacity by 2030, up from 180 GW today. This implies 30 GW of new wind farms every year between now and 2030 – a major acceleration in the expansion of wind energy. (Source: It’s official: The EU Commission wants 30 GW a year of new wind up to 2030 | WindEurope)

The last decade has seen a dramatic price decrease of solar and wind assets which have now become the cheapest source of electricity. The deployment of renewable energy however creates new challenges, including grid stability and the matching of local intermittent production and demand which requires flexibility created by storage and smart solutions such as DSR, EMS and V2G.

We strongly believe in the combination of renewable technologies and energy storage. This is why we founded HybriX in 2021. We are ready for the future, are you?